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Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

his type of intelligence is highly appreciated in formal education, but also very valued in job applications. If you are a natural talent, good for you!

So what are the basic ideas about this intelligence? In his book “Frames of Mind” Gardner summarizes his Multiple Intelligences Theory. Logical-mathematical intelligence can be understood as the ability, which involves formal operation of symbols according to accepted rules of logic and mathematics. This type of intelligence is actually the most measured in IQ tests.

Although it has been given pre-eminence in Western societies, there is no reason to believe it is more important than the other intelligences. There is more than one form of logic and each intelligence has an equally valid logic of its own. So, if you are not that good at dividing numbers and solving equations, you'll survive! :)

If you are not sure if you posses this type of intelligence, or if it´s your strong suit, check out this list of common characteristics that people with logical mathematical intelligence have:

- Can easily do math in their head

- Are good at strategy games

- Have mind "like a computer"

- Really like math

- Enjoy science experiments

- Organize things by category

- Abstract thinker

- Looks for a rational explanations

- Wonder how things work

Lately, educators from around the world started wondering if their math-teaching methods are efficient and how can they make learning more engaging and productive.

Here’s a Ted Talk on this:

And here is an interesting opportunity for you to see if you can get the answer right:

Stay curious, stay connected! #EEIY2017

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