Tackling TREE
Taking into account extremist movements in Europe, rising xenophobia, and Islamophobia, it is important to gather active young people, youth workers, and activists to discuss questions of multicultural society, interreligious and intercultural dialogue as well as to think about some practical tools how to fight discrimination and combat extremism. This was exactly the focal point of the ” Tackling TREE (terrorism, radicalism, and extremism in Europe)", a training course held in May, in Vienna, Austria, hosted by an Austrian organization BEES. This seven day programme gathered youth workers and youth leaders active in non – formal education field from 10 European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Romania and Austria) with the goal to understand the causes of extremism and where they develop, and to analyze the European values and how they can be used in contrasting those phenomena. The training course is implemented by the support of the European Commission programme ERASMUS+ and the Austrian National Agency.
***article written by participants on the TC in a workshop oriented on planning dissemination strategies.