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Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Children who possess this type of intelligence often find it hard to be still and focused in classes that engage audio and visual senses. But HEY! This intelligence is highly developed by people such as dancers, athletes, surgeons, artisans and musicians. Definitely not a bad crowd to hang with! Are you curious about finding out if you also possess this type of intelligence?

Gardner defined characteristics of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as follows:

*Using one's body in highly differentiated and skilled ways, for expressive and goal-directed purposes

*Working skillfully with objects, both those that involve the fine motor movements of one's fingers and hands and those that exploit gross motor movements of the body

*Controlling bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects

Skilled performance includes characteristics, such as sense of timing, sensitivity to points of repose or shifts of behavior, and sense of direction. Fine motor abilities involve the ability to use hands and fingers to carry out delicate movements with precise control. For example, a pianist uses contrasting patterns of movement, while sustaining different rhythms or melodies at the same time. Our kinesthetic sense monitors the execution of motor actions, allowing us to judge the timing, force, and extent of our movements, and to make necessary adjustments (Excerpt from The Arts, Young Children and Learning, S. Wright, 2003, p. 86-87)

To simplify- if you like dance and movement through exercises, doing crafts or even do-it-yourself projects you probably possess this type of intelligence.

Stay curious, stay connected! #EEIY2017

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