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#EEIY2017 has started!

The first day of youth exchange project #EEIY2017has just started! 35 participants from Spain, Slovakia, Austria, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania and Turkey gathered to learn about 8 multiple intelligences. These were formulated by Gardner to help us better understand and deal with modern-world complexities. Exploring learning styles, strengths, talents and their potential through various workshops andcreative tasks is aimed at raising awareness about the self, the other and surrounding. The entire learning process will be designed around exploration and development of MI (Multiple Intelligences) Theory. Mixed in small groups with people from other countries, our new friends went treasure hunting at the city center. They had to find the given monuments by communicating with locals, while getting to know each other. Later on, delegations stated their fears, expectations, as well as contributions regarding the project. Discussing about these will help foster better relationships among each other and make a productive atmosphere. In the upcoming 11 days throughout interactive workshops participants will focus on one intelligence per day. The project “Explore, expand and improve yourself” is taking place from 3rd to 14th of January in Vienna, Austria. Stay curious, stay connected!🐝

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