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Bodily-Kinesthetic Workshop

Do you know how to keep a group focused and interested in topic all the time? Or at least most of the time? We know it can be very challenging! Coming up with energizing activities that youngsters will love is not an easy task! But our leader Mili knows tricks how to spice up the atmosphere by getting them physically active and more productive!

Since we are focusing on movement, coordination and tactile sensations at today’s workshop, practical games can indicate how well and fast participants can respond to commands or sensations with their bodies. To get our delegates started, an introductory task to bodily- kinesthetic intelligence workshop was set- making a short video on what is personally important to them by simply using body-language. It was fun reading all the creative conclusions of their performances such as: he loves book-worms, she loves being in love, he is a social media addict, he loves throwing out garbage! Very amusing you must admit!

During the workshop, the meaning of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence was discussed, who are the people that strongly developed this type of intelligence and which characteristics do they have in common. In the upcoming tasks participants should present this type of intelligence through different expression styles- ballet, nonverbal performance, modern dance and Spanish TV-novellas. Let’s see what they got up their sleeves!

Ballet group: With Swan Lake music in the background, this group explained through dance it’s ok if we sometimes stumble as long as we keep on trying. It’s even better if we have friends who will pick us up when we fall.

Spanish TV-Novella group: this group presented a stereotypical Spanish Novella topic. We saw a proposal and a part of wedding ceremony. Message behind this performance is that we expand when we learn new languages and get to know different cultures.


Modern dance group: four girls in the group played professional dancers and a boy played a dance beginner. At first, we could see the professionals giving him support and at the end of the performance the group started dancing in a rhythmic choreography. You can only get better when learning from others!

Nonverbal performance group played with the term “zone of comfort”. Three actors presented people locked in a small circle of their comfort zone because they are shy, scared or feel threatened. Another actor presented an individual who was brave enough to exit her little circle, escape fears and people who were bringing her down (played by another actress) and get to her dreams. Dreams were again manifested in an actor. Message here is very clear.

Workshop is still going on and our participants are enjoying every second of it! So are we!

Stay curious, stay connected! #EEIY2017

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