Naturalist Intelligence Workshop
To learn about Naturalist Intelligence, spending some time in nature was a must! Exploring Viennese parks covered in snow was on today’s agenda- mixed in groups participant’s assignment was to build a snowman. Spanish team was especially trilled about this, because they have never seen snow before! Despite cold and windy weather they simply enjoyed their first snow while singing “Do you want to build a snowman?’’ from a Disney movie “Frozen”. How adorable!
Afterwards, each group presented the location on a self-made map, details about their adventure and brought souvenirs from nature- one group even made a mini-snowman! The goal of the task was to get in touch with nature, and natural surroundings so that our youngsters can have a better understanding of a theoretical explanation on Naturalistic Intelligence.
In the afternoon, every delegation got some free time! Some went to Natural-Historical Museum to build up gained knowledge from today’s workshop, while others visited Prater amusement park. After all, getting to know the city and its vibe won't hurt anyone!
Tonight, we will have time to talk about today’s adventures, because there will be an International Party in a Café nearby.
Keep following our adventures!
Stay curious, stay connected! #EEIY2017