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Lingustic Intelligence Workshop

Expressing thoughts or even complex ideas, communicating our wishes оr worries, debating, convincing someone to follow our lead and even learning new languages is a part of Linguistic Intelligence.

Since this was the topic of the day 6, groups had to get creative and eloquent. Do you know that good old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words"? Well, today, our youngsters had to describe five paintings in few words. It was interesting to see how meaning of a painting was perceived and how much it varied from group to group. There were discussions even within the groups about the message the painter wanted us to discover. How does one explain a feeling provoked by a piece of art? Understanding itself is hard! But communicating what we think, in the way so that our listener gets the right message, is even harder.

One group thinks that: “The artist is incorporating trees and plants with the human body which is the way he shows his connection with nature. The artist is dreaming of a bigger, better world. He uses the sky as a metaphor for not being able to reach this idea he has in mind.”

Whereas the other one had more of a critical approach: “Time, nature and all kinds of emotions play a big role in this exhibition. These photos are a part of one big metaphor. The new and non-traditional ways of expressing thoughts and feelings that have been here since the beginning of time are very appreciated. This is a great example of contemporary art.”

3rd group wanted to clarify the psychological moment and subjective perception of reality: “This image wants to transmit, the way that we walk in life through our eyes. A long way in which there will be good and bad times. In the good, we will have beautiful landscapes, sunny and a road in straight line. In the bad, the landscape will be cloudy and the road will become curvy.”

4th group had a very inspiring analysis! It felt like they understood the artist in a profound way: ” …In a world of destruction, ruins, poverty, war and chaos, the artist has used different shades of grey to represent the negativity of a meaningless life of an imprisoned person. In that whole mess and lack of freedom there is always someone who needs to go against the flow. He uses the ladder to get rid of his curiosity and please his creativity. He wants to cross the border and see what’s on the other side of the wall. Since he is not used to originality, freedom, peace, positivity there is a whole world for him to explore, which seems like a galaxy, an endless wide range of things to see and to do, which differ to the first bottom half because they are colorful…”

Finally, the 5th group even found a connection between the self-improvement and these paintings: “…In general pictures mean one line of process to improve yourself and your skills. At the beginning, everything is bad, there is a depression. However, after opening eyes, you see, that not everything is so depressive. You can see white dot which means a hope. Sometimes you have to fight with yourself and your fears….”

Sounds like this youth exchange really motivated and inspired our participants! They really explored, expanded and improved themselves in many ways!

Stay curious, stay connected! #EEIY2017

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